eidaqc package

Run test on data request processing in Eida virtual network.

This package provides two different tests to check the availability of waveform data and the processing of meta data requests on the EIDA network. The tests are intended to be run on a regular basis, e.g. via a cron job. The package also creates an automatic summary report of the results.


Eidaqc runs on Python 3.6 or higher. You need pip to install eidaqc.

Eidaqc was developed on Python 3.9.7 and Linux Mint 20 (based on Ubuntu 20.04). It should run on lower versions of Python 3 (tested Python 3.6, requires additional package importlib_resources). Python 2 is not supported.

Install dependencies

The following packages are required to run eidaqc:

Cartopy and obspy themselves depend on a number of packages including numpy and matplotlib.

Using conda

eidaqc itself will be installed via pip. However conda makes the installation of the required packages a lot easier, especially for cartopy.

Installing conda:

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
bash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
source ~/.bashrc

After source your command line should change to:

(base) me@mymachine:~$

(base) indicates that you are in the base environement of conda.

You may want to create a new virtual environment for eidaqc:

$ conda create -n myeidaqc pip
$ conda activate myeidaqc
$ conda install -c conda-forge numpy matplotlib obspy cartopy

Without conda

Virtual environments can also be managed e.g. virtualenv. Installing the package including its dependencies directly from pip doesn’t work because the dependencies have dependencies of their own. In particular cartopy requires a installation of its dependencies in the right order, so please refer to their installation manual.

On Ubuntu, you can install obspy from an apt repository. This should install all necessary libraries including numpy, matplotlib and basemap.

Install eidaqc

eidaqc can be installed via pip from Github:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/jojomale/eidaQC.git

If you do not want pip to install dependencies, e.g. because you want to use system packages installed via apt, use:

$ pip install --no-deps git+https://github.com/jojomale/eidaQC.git

Afterwards the command eida should be available.

If you run Python<=3.7, this will additionally install importlib_resources.


  1. as API

  2. as command line tool:

Command line interface

The main functionalities of the eidaqc-package are available as command line tools. The general syntax is:

eida <subcommand> <args> <configfile>

So, the commands work similar to svn or git commands. The options for <args> and <configfile> depend on the subcommand.


If you call eida without arguments, you get a man page.

eida template

Creates a default configuration file and css-file for html-report in the current directory (eidaqc.eida_config).


eida template [-h] [-o OUTPUTFILE]
Optional arguments:
  • -h, --help

    show help message

  • -o OUTPUTFILE, --outputfile OUTPUTFILE:

    file name for default file. If not given, file name will be OUTPUTFILE = ./default_config.ini in current directory.

  • templ

eida availability

Run availability test (eidaqc.eida_availability).


eida availability [-h] [-i] configfile
Required arguments:
  • configfile

    Configuration file with parameter settings. Use eida templ to create default template.

Optional arguments:
  • -h, --help

    show help message

  • -i, --ignore_missing

    If set missing networks will be ignored, when inventory is requested from server. Use when run for the first time and no cached inventory (‘outdir/chanlist_cache.pickle’) is available.

  • avail

eida inventory

Run inventory test (eidaqc.eida_inventory).


eida inventory [-h] {network,station,channel} configfile
Required arguments:
  • {network,station,channel}

    Level of detail for the requested inventories. network provides the least information (and puts the least amount of load on the servers).

  • configfile

    Configuration file with parameter settings. Use eida templ to create default template.

Optional arguments:
  • -h, --help

    show this help message and exit

  • inv

eida report

Create html and pdf report (eidaqc.eida_report).


eida report [-h] configfile
Required arguments:
  • configfile

    Configuration file with parameter settings. Use eida templ to create default template.

Optional arguments:
  • -h, --help

    show help message

  • rep

In cron job

The tests are intended to be run on a regular basis. E.g. we run the availability test every minute and the inventory test every hour.

On Linux, the command line interface can be used to run tests regularly as cron job.

If you run eidaqc without conda, you can insert the CLI commands directly in the crontab. If you run on conda, you may need to first activate the environment, in which eidaqc lives, with the cron task. We use a bash script that combines the activation of conda and the eida command (file eida_conda_cron.sh in GitHub repo):


# Call as:
# $ run_eida_avail <prg>
# <prg> can be `avail`, `inv` or `rep`

# Path to config file
echo "running eida test with "$configfile

# Activate conda environment with eidaqc
source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate eidaQC

# Run CLI
if [ $1 == "avail" ]; then
eida avail $configfile
elif [ $1 == "inv" ]; then
eida inv $invlevel $configfile
elif [ $1 == "rep" ]; then
eida rep $configfile
echo "Unknown argument" $1

# Deactivate conda again
conda deactivate

Our corresponding cron tab looks like this:

# Shell variable for cron
# PATH variable for cron
# m h  dom mon dow   command
* * * * * conda activate eidaQC; bash ~/Work/run_eida_avail.sh avail>> ~/Work/cronlog.txt
1 * * * * conda activate eidaQC; bash ~/Work/run_eida_avail.sh inv>> ~/Work/cronlog_inv.txt
