eidaqc.cmdline module

Command line interface to eidaqc package

The general syntax is:

eida <subcommand> <args> <configfile>

So, the commands work similar to svn or git commands. The options for <args> and <configfile> depend on the subcommand. For details see here .

Technical notes

Parsing of command line arguments is handled using argparse. Subcommands are handled as subparsers, each of which has func set as default which points to a small function that executes the corresponding command of the eiqaqc API.

eidaqc.cmdline._eida_avail(parser, args)

Executed if subparser avail is called.

eidaqc.cmdline._eida_inv(parser, args)

Executed if subparser inv is called.

eidaqc.cmdline._eida_rep(parser, args)

Executed if subparser rep is called.

eidaqc.cmdline._eida_templ(parser, args)

Executed if subparser templ is called.


Main routine that defines the parsers and calls the subroutines depending on user input (i.e. parsed arguments)